Martin Perryman-Smith

Doctor, Person, Veterinarian, Animal, Cat, Mammal, Pet
26 Nov 2024

Martin graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2009, completing a degree in veterinary science and a postgraduate in veterinary medicine.

His first job was in a mixed practice in Leicester with a 50:50 mix of large to small animal workload. Having grown up on a dairy farm, early on Martin realised that he was more interested in farm practice.

After several years’ clinical work, Martin did an internship and specialised in monogastrics. This led to a role at the RVC working as a technical writer and developer of specialised pig and poultry postgraduate online modules. Working on course production was a turning point for Martin. It demonstrated that there were other ways in which a vet could contribute to an industry without being a clinician in the field.

In 2014 Martin took up a role at the pig levy board AHDB Pork as its senior veterinary manager, with responsibility for health and welfare initiatives across the pig sector. During this time, he helped to develop the British porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus contingency plans - one of the first industry-led, government-assisted disease strategies to be developed in the UK. 

Immediately prior to joining CVS Martin became the lead vet at British Quality Pigs where he led a team of seven specialist pig vets. His role was largely office-based, managing the veterinary enterprise involving all aspects of pig health and welfare of the animals within the industry, and providing technical or managerial support to other departments as well as retail customers. 

Martin joined CVS in 2022 as Purchasing Director. Here he [outline roles and responsibilities]. He describes his role as [challenging, rewarding?] and gets great satisfaction from [part of role most liked].

Outside of work, aside from spending time with his [family], Marting likes running, CrossFit and gardening.